To our dearest Shoozifam and our amazing vaping community!
After 11 years of serving your vaping needs I can't believe we're writing this but Sunday the 30th June 2024 is our last day of operation. Why? Well because the Labor Government decided in their 'wisdom' that banning the retail sales of vapes (whilst keeping the retail sales of cigarettes legal) was a great world leading idea in the interests of public health. The Greens agreed with this even though they want to legalise weed. We did not choose this and we do not support this ridiculous approach.
But we are at their mercy as the law passed last week.
I'd like to start by saying a huge thankyou to the amazing team that we've had working for us over the past decade. This unreal group of talent we've had have shown dedication and customer service beyond what I could've ever imagined and I'm certain you'll all have great futures.
To my wife and kids. Running a business like this has been a 24/7 venture which at times has been really difficult with lots of time spent away from you guys. Thanks so much for sticking by me and supporting this crazy venture. I can't believe that Shoozi is older than my oldest child. Many of you loved to see these guys at the shop and we all felt like one big family. Love you all.
To my Mum. Back in the OG days at Gungahlin many of you will remember her friendly face helping to make coffees, serve you and make delicious batches of E-liquid that you all came to know and love. Your help back then helped the business grow to what it is today. And to both my parents who, when my wife and I were off getting married overseas, did an amazing renovation on Gungahlin that I think we can all agree was amazing.
And least but certainly not least, YOU. The vapers out there who chose to turn their backs on smoking cigarettes by finding a healthier alternative! You guys f^&%ing rock. The community here is the best Australia wide hands down. You all made us what we are today and we are eternally grateful for your support. You all feel like a family to me and I'm devastated that this is the end of what was an unreal journey with you all. Thank YOU!!!
Much love from the Shoozitech team